College Heights (1904)

Map by the author, based on Newman, 1915.

Chace and Emma Newman purchased ten acres of land immediately west of Oakwood plat and, on its southern portion fronting on Grand River Avenue, created “College Heights, the city’s original skyline drive.” Hillside Court was connected to the “fadeaway termination of Oakhill Avenue” (since detached), and a cul-de-sac named Hickory Court (now Hillcrest Avenue) was created.1

As seen here, Newman’s design for College Heights included two alleys—both of which he named. “Sunshine Alley,” running north from Grand River Avenue along the west edge of the plat, had its name literally erased by Newman from his 1915 map, though the alley itself is still in use. “Meadow Lane,” a short east-west alley just west of the Newman house connecting Hickory Court to Sunshine Alley, has been incorporated into the adjacent lots north and south. No visible trace of it remains today.

Jacob Schepers House, 335 Hillcrest Ave. (1905)
Chace Newman House, 368 Oakhill Ave. (1908)
Krentel–Faunce House, 319 Hillcrest Ave. (1909)
Landmark and Significant Structures

Next: Avondale

  1. Towar, p. 48. ↩︎

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