Chesterfield Hills (№ 1, 1916; № 2, 1923; № 3, 1926)

Map of Chesterfield Hills № 1 (green) and № 2 (blue), excerpted and colorized from City of East Lansing Use Districts, 1926. Plat № 3 was added this same year, across Grand River Avenue to the north.

Ehinger Realty broke away from the convention of straight roads and rectangular lots with the Chesterfield Hills subdivisions. This “modern high class residential district” has “lots of irregular size and shape and streets with graceful bends following the natural contours. Leaving the native trees for the builders to clear away as needed… contributed to the natural beauty of the plat.”1

Grant Hudson House, 1012 Chesterfield Pkwy. (1917)
Ernst A. Bessey House, 213 University Dr. (1922)
Johnson – H. J. Stoddard House, 1107 W. Grand River Ave. (1926)
Landmark and Significant Structures

Just west of Chesterfield Hills № 1 are two significant houses along Cowley Avenue, both of which sheltered the John H. Cowley family. The earlier of the two predates the Chesterfield Hills development.

John H. Cowley House, 120 Cowley Ave. (1907)
Cowley House, 1140 Michigan Ave. (1922)
Landmark and Significant Structures

Next: Ardson Heights

  1. Towar, p. 49. ↩︎

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