This house’s first occupants were Andrew and Lillian Krentel. Andrew was instructor in the College wood shop for many years, and one of the elder generation of Krentel Brothers. This house might have been built by the Krentels as well, although unfortunately the city’s landmark designation is not specific.
Benjamin Alden Faunce, like his real estate partner and neighbor two doors to the north Jacob Schepers, held several city offices, including mayor of East Lansing from 1929 to 1931. Faunce served in the College administration as clerk to presidents Snyder and Kedzie 1899–1922, was managing editor of the M.A.C. Record 1904–07 and 1910–13, and also served as a local draft board registrar during World War I. Benjamin Faunce, his wife Blanche (Weldon) Faunce and their two daughters only lived in this house for about four years, circa 1923–1927. During that time, Faunce was made secretary–treasurer of the second East Lansing Development Corporation, an adjunct of the East Lansing State Bank which built the “Abbott” in 1927. The B. A. Faunce Company would reside in that building for decades afterward.
From 1947 to 1979 the house served as the first permanent home of the Hillel Jewish Student Center.
The Krentel–Faunce House is an East Lansing Landmark Structure.
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