Fountain, Gift of the Class of 1883

Class of ’83 Fountain, likely when new. In the background, Prof. W. S. Holdsworth sits facing the 1882 addition to the Chemical Laboratory, which he designed. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

The Class of 1883 raised $250 to purchase this fountain, which it presented to the College in a ceremony on August 13, 1883. Eight feet, four inches in height, with a pool measuring twenty feet in diameter, it was located just east of the Botany greenhouses, south of the Chemical Laboratory.1

Fountain in former horticultural gardens, Natural Science in background, with lilac in bloom.
Spring 1994. Photo Credit: Kevin S. Forsyth.

When the Main Library construction began in 1955, the central statuary was moved to the Demonstration Gardens southeast of the Horticulture Building (“Old Hort”). The basin was “made of a soft stone and was so badly eroded after more than seventy-two years” that it could not be salvaged. A fountain is still in operation in the pool directly behind the Student Services building, but the original statue has long been removed. The gift’s current status is unknown to this author.2

  1. Beal, p. 244. ↩︎
  2. Lautner, pp. 55–56. ↩︎

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