The other Mrs. Kedzie

Starting in 1903 and continuing for many years afterward, brief items in the M.A.C. Record made frequent mention of an East Lansing rooming house known as “Mrs. Kedzie’s.” The assumption appears to be that everyone in that day knew who Mrs. Kedzie was. Today, even though her family name is well known, she is not. So who was this Mrs. Kedzie?

Harriet Fairchild Kedzie, undated photo. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

The story begins with Harriet Elizabeth Fairchild (1826–1891), who was part of an amazing family of educators. Her father Grandison Fairchild had a role in the founding of Oberlin College, and three of Harriet’s brothers became college presidents. Harriet graduated with an A.B. degree from Oberlin’s Ladies Department in 1847. While at Oberlin, one of her fellow students was Robert Clark Kedzie. They were married in 1850.

In 1863, Robert and Harriet Kedzie came to the Michigan Agricultural College when he was appointed Professor of Chemistry. A few years later, Harriet’s brother George Thompson Fairchild arrived to be Professor of English Literature (1866–1879). The Kedzies and the Fairchilds lived next door to each other on Faculty Row, in № 5 and № 6 respectively. George Fairchild was also M.A.C.’s first appointed librarian, and Fairchild Theatre (part of the Auditorium Building, built 1940) is named for him. He later served as President of the Kansas State Agricultural College, now Kansas State University. (Kansas State, the first college created under the auspices of the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862, was a close sibling school to M.A.C. and will factor into this story several times.)

Although she was an important part of the M.A.C. community for nearly three decades, Harriet Fairchild Kedzie is not the Mrs. Kedzie of this story.

Robert and Harriet Kedzie had three sons, all of whom graduated from M.A.C. and became professors of chemistry like their father. The youngest, Frank Stewart Kedzie (M.A.C. ’77), succeeded his father and later—following in the footsteps of three uncles—was President of M.A.C. 1915–1921. As professor and president he was known as “Uncle Frank” to his students.

The middle son, Robert Fairchild Kedzie (M.A.C. ’71), was the first Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of the State of Mississippi—now Mississippi State University—when that school opened in 1880. One year later Robert wed Nellie Sawyer, an 1876 graduate of Kansas State, just a few months before his untimely death from malaria.

Nellie Sawyer Kedzie, undated photo. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

Nellie Sawyer Kedzie returned to Kansas State to teach domestic science, earn a master’s degree, and in 1887 become the first woman to be appointed full professor at that college. She later went to the University of Wisconsin, where she was the first woman named professor emerita. Kansas State’s Kedzie Hall, built in 1897 for the domestic science department and now home to the journalism school, is named for her—making her the first woman to receive a namesake building at Kansas State.

Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones was an imporant, trailblazing educator. She is also not the Mrs. Kedzie of this story.

The eldest son, William Knowlton Kedzie (M.A.C. ’70), assisted his father at M.A.C. for a few years until 1874, when he was appointed as Professor of Chemistry at—you guessed it—Kansas State Agricultural College. Two years later William married Ella Marie Gale, a recent graduate of the Kansas State class of 1876 (and classmate of Nellie Sawyer).

Ella Gale Kedzie, undated photo. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

Ella Gale was the daughter of Rev. Elbridge Gale, a regent and professor of botany and horticulture at Kansas State. Ella taught drawing at Kansas State for about a year following her marriage to William Kedzie, after which they had two children together: Ella Pearl, born 1877 and known as Pearl; and William Roscoe, born 1879 and known as Roscoe.

Then in April 1880, William Kedzie died from “inflammation of the brain.” He was just 28 years old, the second Kedzie son to die before the age of 30.

Ella Gale Kedzie, suddenly a young widow with two very young children, might have taken a little time to regroup—for the next few years her history seems quiet. Then in 1884 she moved her family to Michigan, where she took an appointment as Instructor in Painting and Drawing at Olivet College. Since she was the only teacher in that field at Olivet, this effectively made her head of the art department, a position she held for more than seven years.

Then fate dealt the Kedzie family another blow. On December 17, 1891, Harriett Fairchild Kedzie died at home at Faculty Row № 5. She was 65 years old.

Alone in the Faculty Row house and still teaching full-time at age 68, Professor Robert Kedzie wrote to Ella and invited her to move to M.A.C. in order to run the household. She accepted and immediately resigned her position at Olivet.

Pearl and Roscoe Kedzie, undated photo. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

At first blush, this seems terribly unfair—for the second time, she abandoned her teaching career for the benefit of a Kedzie man. Yet on the other hand, it was probably a very smart decision for Ella and her family. At Olivet College she was “head of the art department,” yet her title was instructor which under-ranked her as a department chair—typically a full (or at least assistant) professor—and commensurately underpaid her. At M.A.C., with room and board costs covered by her father-in-law, she had the freedom to homeschool her children, by then 14 and 12 years old, in the literal heart of academia. An additional benefit for the kids was living under the same roof as their grandfather, who in this author’s opinion was one of the foremost scientific minds of the era.

Faculty Row children, aka the “campus kids,” 1892. In the group of four boys standing at rear, Roscoe is on the left. Pearl is not pictured. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

Clearly, Pearl and Roscoe Kedzie thrived as two of the “campus kids” in the midst of M.A.C.’s education-first environment. Pearl was one of three graduates of the Women’s Course in 1898, the second class to complete it,†† and as the high honor student gave a commencement address entitled, “The Realm of Woman.”††† Roscoe graduated in 1899 when he was just 20, went on to earn a divinity degree from Oberlin College, and became a Congregational minister—a vocation that surely would have pleased his late great-grandfather.1

Faculty Row № 5, circa 1896, captioned as “the home of Ella Kedzie.” Presumably the woman sitting on the front steps is Mrs. Kedzie herself. The caption is a bit disingenuous as it omits mention of Faculty Row in general, as well as Professor Robert Kedzie, whose home it also still was. Photo Credit: M.S.U. Archives.

While her kids were “away” at college, Mrs. Kedzie stayed busy. She opened an art studio in Lansing in 1897, initially in the Hollister Block and later in “old city hall,” a three-story Italianate commercial block that once stood at 112 East Michigan Avenue. There she practiced her specialization—ceramics—and taught private classes. She also assisted the Domestic Arts department for the 1897–98 school year as an instructor in freehand drawing, during the early days of that department when it was still understaffed.2

When Robert C. Kedzie died in November 1902, his Faculty Row house was no longer needed by the Professor of Chemistry—his son and replacement, Frank Kedzie, already owned a nice home in Lansing, a block west of the Capitol. № 5 was reassigned to the Professor of Agriculture, Robert Shaw, and Ella Kedzie was forced to move.

“Campus Scene – Rustic Bridge” by Ella Marie Gale Kedzie, watercolor painted before 1900. Image Credit: Smithsonian Institution.

She traveled to Florida over the winter to visit her family at “Mangonia,” her father’s retirement homestead in Palm Beach County.†††† Upon her return for spring term 1903 the M.A.C. Record announced that she would be moving into the Ray Stannard Baker house on the Delta. Apparently this did not happen—instead, she acquired property in Oakwood and had rooms to let by April 1.3

Mrs. Kedzie’s Oakwood property had two houses on it, each about the same size in footprint and 1.5- or 2-stories each, the one at the front facing Abbot Road and the one at the rear facing south vaguely toward Evergreen Avenue. These were addressed as 319 Abbot and 320 Evergreen, later changed to 313 Abbot and 304 Evergreen.

One of her initial tenants was Dr. Herbert Landon, who used one of the rooms of 319 Abbot as his office for a while. He moved out by December 1903 and into “Miss Ketchum’s” whose location is unknown.4

Two of the ten students living at Mrs. Kedzie’s for the 1903–04 school year, amid others in rooming houses, Lansing homes, and rooms in Williams Hall. Image excerpted from MAC Directory (1903), p. 9.

For the rest of her days, in addition to her private art tutoring, Mrs. Kedzie lived and rented out rooms in these two houses. The M.A.C. Record refers to “Mrs. Kedzie’s house” and “Mrs. Kedzie’s cottage” and, from those mentions as well as listings in various issues of the Faculty and Student Directory and Lansing City Directory, we may infer that the Abbot Road “house” was rented out room-by-room, while the “cottage” on Evergreen Avenue was usually rented as a single unit.

As the landlady and matron of these houses, Ella Kedzie likely had a positive influence on the many faculty members and students who lived under her roofs during those three decades. A partial list of her tenants (with years of appointment at the College, not residencies at Kedzie’s) includes:

  • Arthur Rodney Sawyer, Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering (1904–1924; 20 years).5
  • Dr. George Alfred Waterman, Professor of Veterinary Science (1897–1908; 11 years).6
  • Dr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Hurt, Professor of Veterinary Science (1907–1909).7
  • Arthur John Clark, Instructor and later Professor of Chemistry (1906–1954; 48 years) and first Director of the Band (1907–1916).8
  • Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lyman, Dean of Veterinary Science and Professor of Veterinary Medicine (1910–1919).9
  • Irvin Forest Huddleson (M.A.C. M.S. 1916, D.V.M. 1925; M.S.C. Ph.D. 1937), appointed as Research Assistant in Bacteriology in 1916, retired as Research Professor of Microbiology and Public Health in 1964, a tenure of 48 years. “His research on brucellosis is generally credited as the basis for the procedures which have helped to bring the disease under control in Michigan and other states.”10
  • Edwin W. Morrison, Assistant Professor of Physics (1919–1936; 17 years).11
Black-and-white catalog image of “Marine Scene” by Ella Marie Gale Kedzie, painted before 1913. Image Credit: Smithsonian Institution.

This is not to say that Mrs. Kedzie made all their accomplishments happen, but I tend to believe that the long tenures of several professors listed above were made just a little more likely by the warm welcome they might have received from her when they were newly appointed faculty members in need of a place to live.

Ella Kedzie lived in the front house from 1903 to circa 1920, when she moved to the rear cottage. She died there in 1935 and is interred alongside her husband William and several other members of the Kedzie family at Mount Hope Cemetery in Lansing. Both houses were later razed and for many years the property was a city-owned parking lot. Today, the site of “Mrs. Kedzie’s” houses is occupied by the M.S.U. Credit Union’s new branch office building at 311 Abbot Road, completed in 2023.

  1. MAC Record, 3(40), 21 Jun 1898, pp. 4–5. ↩︎
  2. MAC Record, 3(10), 16 Nov 1897, p. 4. LCD (1898), p. 167. 37th AR (1898), pp. 6, 31. ↩︎
  3. MAC Record, 8(22), 17 Feb 1903, p. 3; 8(27), 24 Mar 1903, p. 1. FSD (1903), pp. 7, 9, etc. ↩︎
  4. MAC Record, 9(12), 8 Dec 1903, p. 2. ↩︎
  5. MAC Record, 9(29), 12 Apr 1904, p. 3. Yakeley (1916), p. 14. ↩︎
  6. MAC Record, 10(14), 20 Dec 1904, p. 3; 15(11), 30 Nov 1909, p. 3. Yakeley (1916), p. 13. ↩︎
  7. MAC Record, 13(4), 15 Oct 1907, p. 3. Yakeley (1916), p. 15. ↩︎
  8. MAC Record, 14(1), 22 Sep 1908, p. 2. Yakeley (1916), p. 15. ↩︎
  9. MAC Record, 16(11), 29 Nov 1910, p. 3. Yakeley (1916), p. 16. ↩︎
  10. United States Census (1920). Minutes, 19 Jul 1916, p. 278; 21 Jan 1920, p. 444; 19 Jun 1925, p. 638; 20 May 1937, p. 1324; 10 Jan 1964, p. 4977. MSU Libraries. ↩︎
  11. MAC Record, 25(3), 10 Oct 1919, p. 7. United States Census (1920). Richmond (Ind.) Palladium, 45(82), 16 Feb 1920, p. 7. Minutes, 2 Jul 1936, p. 1255. ↩︎
  1. Grandison Fairchild wanted his sons to become ministers, and reputedly joked that they “petered out as college presidents.”↩︎
  2. †† After Amy Bell Vaughn (M.A.C. ’97), and along with Jennette Coryell Carpenter and Anne Catherine Watkins.↩︎
  3. ††† In her speech she touts the importance of education for good housekeeping, words that surely gratified the Home Economics department, then extrapolates that to state that a woman has no need for the right to vote “if she would take the interests of the country’s welfare into her home,” thereby to influence her husband’s vote from within. To this author, it’s a reminder of the prevailing attitude of the times, all the more surprising for having been espoused by an intelligent woman from a family of very smart people.↩︎
  4. †††† Rev. Elbridge Gale is remembered for being the first to successfully cultivate mangoes in the United States, hence the name of his home. Today, an elementary school in nearby Wellington, Florida, bears his name.↩︎

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