Ardson Heights (1919)

Map excerpted from City of East Lansing Use Districts, 1926. As originally platted, Wildwood Drive continued due east to the edge of the plat. This was soon altered to attach to the adjacent plat’s street, via the curve toward the northeast corner seen here.

Advertised as “The Gem of East Lansing,” Ardson Heights was platted on the site of the former Lansing Country Club golf course, which dated from 1902. By 1915, the City of East Lansing had annexed the land, and within two years a house was built at 417 Ardson, which remains today. Ardson Road was converted to a cul-de-sac in the late 1980s, disconnecting it from the busy intersection of Harrison Road and Grand River Avenue.1

Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner House, 415 Clifton Blvd. (1925)
Landmark and Significant Structures

Next: Ridgely Park

  1. Miller, p. 58. ↩︎

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