Category: Editorial

  • Sarcastic Lad’s progeny today — a reconsideration

    In my article about Belle Sarcastic and Sarcastic Lad, reprinted in the Summer 2022 issue of the Spartan Dairy Newsletter, I wrote, “Today it is estimated that thousands of registered Holsteins worldwide can trace their bloodlines to Sarcastic Lad.” This bold claim was plausible given the available evidence, and I still believe it to be…

  • A Story of 305, 315, and 321 North Harrison Road

    Three small houses along Harrison Road, on the western edge of Beal’s Addition to Collegeville, were built some time in the first quarter of the twentieth century. For many years they were rented out as student housing, and as is typical of such they saw heavy abuse and little maintenance—i.e., the bare minimum needed to keep them…

  • Faculty Row house numbers

    (a note from the author) On this site, the Faculty Row houses are named according to numbers, № 1 through № 10, as given in Beal. This is the de facto standard since it has been repeated by many later historians including Kestenbaum, the East Lansing Historic Commission, and this author. However, when it came to enumerating and describing the Faculty…