C. B. Collingwood House, 526 Sunset Lane (1905)

C. B. Collingwood House, November 2003. Photo Credit: Kevin S. Forsyth.

Charles B. Collingwood (1860–1937, M.A.C. ’85, M.S. ’90) was a one-term state senator, Postmaster of the Agricultural College 1902–1907, and was on the committee to write the city’s charter. He then served for more than twenty-five years as a Circuit Court judge for Ingham County. “When Oakwood was originally designed, Sunset Lane was an alley running along the rear of lots facing wide Forest Street. Collingwood apparently took a fancy to the name, however, and built this mansion in 1904 to face Sunset. The narrow street then became very popular. The house has sheltered many fraternities [and sororities] over the years,” including Union Literary Society, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Farm House.1

The C. B. Collingwood House is an East Lansing Landmark Structure.

  1. Kestenbaum, p. 14. Yakeley, p. 46. LCD (1927), p. 830. ↩︎

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