Glen Cairn (№ 1, 1926; № 2, 1938; № 3, 1939)

Advertisement for Glen Cairn (1926) showing the platted lots of № 1 and the hypothetical streets of № 2. Plat № 3 extended the subdivision north to the Saginaw Highway, reconfiguring all of № 2 and several lots of № 1. Image Credit: Lansing State Journal, 25 Sep 1926, p. 21.

Robert S. Shaw platted a portion of his 160-acre farm into this subdivision using names from his ancestral Scotland. It was annexed into the City of East Lansing on November 2, 1926. In subsequent years the neighborhood’s name has been condensed into “Glencairn.”1

Gov. George Romney House, 1045 Rosewood Ave. (1945)
Charles W. Bachman House, 929 Roxburgh (1937)
Landmark and Significant Structures
  1. Thomas, p. 195. Towar, p. 87. ↩︎

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