Strathmore (1925)

Map excerpted from City of East Lansing Use Districts, 1926. Note the interurban right-of-way along North Street (now Burcham Drive), in its last years of service.

A large section of the Chittenden farm with the Bailey school lot in its southwest corner. Like Ardson Heights, which had the same designer, Strathmore avoided the rigid cardinal-point layout of much of the city and features curving, tree-lined streets. It was platted in four sections between 1925 and 1947, a surprising delay given that the land was incorporated within the original city limits when it was chartered in 1907. Only the portion from Orchard Street west had been platted at the time of the map seen here; when the eastern portions were later added several of the streets (including Beech, Linden, Chittenden, and Kedzie) were reconfigured from this design.1

The north-south stretch of Collingwood Drive (named for C. B. Collingwood) was originally called Haslett Street, the name given by the Fairview plat. It was changed in 1971, after East Lansing had expanded enough toward the northeast to encompass Haslett Road. As Collingwood crosses Snyder it transitions from north-south to its original east-west street; there the house numbers were fudged somewhat to prevent a gap in the numbering between 600 N. Collingwood and 700 E. Collingwood.

Orchard Street Pumphouse, 368 Orchard St. (1934) SR
Hays House, 605 Butterfield Dr. (1937)
Landmark and Significant Structures

Next: Glen Cairn

  1. Newman, 1915. ↩︎

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