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Archive for January, 2000

29-Jan-00 | Stardust on course

Stardust (Delta 266) had three TCM burns between 18 and 22 January, which put it on course for a gravity assist fly-by of Earth in January 2001. After that, another 3 years will pass before Stardust’s encounter with comet Wild-2.

29-Jan-00 | MPL and DS-2 both lost

Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2 were both lost on 3 December, 1999. NASA abandoned the search in mid-January, but not before evidence surfaced that appears to show a deep canyon passing through the landing site.

29-Jan-00 | FUSE begins operations

FUSE (Delta 271) is beginning to open astronomers’ eyes following a seven-month shakedown phase. (12-Jan-00 NASA Press Release) This mission has a good chance of providing some disturbingly theory-tweaking observations, but since spectroscopy doesn’t usually include “pretty” pictures, FUSE may linger in undeserved obscurity.



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