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18-Nov-17 | JPSS-1 success!

NOAA’s JPSS-1 Earth environmental observer was launched in the early morning hours of Saturday, 18 November. The two-stage Delta II vehicle, marking its 99th consecutive success,  also delivered five secondary CubeSat payloads into orbit for investigations by various universities.

JPSS-1 is the first of a new generation of polar-orbiting satellites to monitor Earth’s atmosphere, ozone layer, and radiation reflectance. It is a follow-on to the Suomi NPP satellite (Delta 357) which itself was a bridge from previous EOS missions including Aqua (Delta 291) and Aura (Delta 306).

Two launch attempts were scrubbed earlier in the week for various reasons, and ULA postponed a third attempt until upper level winds could come within acceptable limits.

The launch manifest contains one more Delta II, which is expected to launch ICESAT-2 some time in 2018. After that one complete vehicle will remain, which is rumored to be destined for a museum somewhere.

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